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What Is PPC Management?

What Is PPC Management?

Wouldn’t it be helpful (and fun) if you could wave a magic wand and double your website traffic overnight? Well, the idea isn’t as crazy as it might first appear.

That’s why many companies turn to paid traffic methods in the first place. It gives them an instant traffic overhaul that many companies need (especially in those challenging startup days when no one has heard of you).

But don’t tackle this alone. There are experts (minus the magic wands) available to help you do this properly: PPC management services. What is PPC management? We have all the answers right here.

What Is PPC Management?

Let’s begin with the basics and talk about PPC marketing. PPC is short for pay per click, and it involves running paid ads to your site. You only pay once a person clicks the link on your ad, hence the name.

PPC management involves getting an outside company to run those ads on your behalf. That typically includes the setup and ongoing management, but a more comprehensive list of services is here:

  • Keyword research
  • Customer and competitor profiling
  • Landing page and sales funnel construction
  • Ad targeting
  • Campaign setup
  • Campaign monitoring
  • Campaign testing
  • Campaign optimization
  • Campaign scaling

Multiple platforms offer PPC advertising. Some of the most popular include Bing, Google, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Benefits of PPC Management

You’ll need to invest money into PPC management. So you probably want to know whether it’s worth the cash. Here are some of the benefits many companies see after using PPC services:

  • You get ad experts, meaning you won’t spend hours researching how to do it yourself or scouring the web for the latest PPC management guide
  • You’ll get your campaign optimized faster using an experienced PPC team
  • You won’t need to spend days grasping the layout of the PPC platforms or their complex reporting dashboards
  • You’ll get a professionally designed ad that will look great for your overall brand image
  • The PPC management team will work to drive down your ad cost, which will save you money

With any online marketing, it’s tempting to do everything yourself in the hope that it saves money. But as you can see, choosing a PPC management company is a more cost-effective long-term option than a DIY approach.

You’ll start seeing results almost immediately, such as a spike in inquiries and leads. Click here for more information on how to generate business leads.

PPC Management Tips

Before hiring a PPC management company, make a shortlist of your preferred agencies. Ask to see case studies from previous campaigns, ideally in a similar industry.

Don’t forget to search online for reviews published on independent 3rd party websites such as Trustpilot. That way, you’ll know your ad campaign is in safe hands.

Start Using PPC Services Today

Don’t sit and wait patiently for your website traffic to improve. Take decisive action and invest in paid ads.

You already know the answer to the question: what is PPC management? Now it is over to you to begin your search for the ad support your business needs. Don’t forget to visit our technology section for more online marketing tips.