5 Reasons You Need Managed Hosting For Small Businesses

When you start our business, you do not want to be spending that time on managing your websites and the company’s servers. You would want to spend that crucial time on developing your business.

A fully managed hosting service, in which your hosting provider takes care of all the server-related issues, is ideal for small businesses. With such a package, you will be renting the infrastructure for your hosting and hiring a management team at a cheaper rate than if you hired a team or an individual for yourself. A hosting provider has the resources and expertise to manage all the hosting requirements. Check out Hostiserver.com – Managed VPS Hosting for reliable managed hosting plans.

If you have just started your own businesses are not sure if a managed hosting service is for you, learn how to choose a hosting provider and have a look at these reasons why you need one.


When it comes to servers, security should be a top priority for your business. Data loss, threats by hackers, and the theft of clients’ sensitive information are the issues that demand your concern when it comes to internet security. If these issues are not prevented, they can lead to a disaster. System security will include the operating system updates, firewall configuration, virus scanning and eviction, running of security audits and spam filtering.


When you own a growing company, its storage needs will grow along with the company. The thing with growing companies is that their storage requirements increase as a company expands. The amount of bandwidth and space that is required for storing a company’s data right now may become not be enough tomorrow. Companies who run their own servers face two problems. Either their server cannot handle the data, or it has a lot of wasted space.

Server Monitoring

When you do not have a web host, you will need system admins to carry out the monitoring activities, but you might not have the time to do it yourself. Even if you have enough time, server monitoring requires a certain set of skills, which you might not have. With managed hosting, you will not have to worry about the server monitoring, because your provider will do this for you. The provider will pay detailed attention to your server in order to guarantee its uptime and network availability.


Hiring server admins for handling an unmanaged hosting service will mean spending a lot of money on their annual salaries. In addition to that, there is also going to be the cost of renting or buying the server. All of the money you will be spending will be way more than the cost of using a managed hosting service.


Data loss can lead a company to its death. A company’s data is the lifeblood of your business and therefore must be protected at all costs. This is why an automated backup of data is very important.

It is better to have managed web hosting and let experts deal with the technicalities so that you can focus all your energy and time on expanding your business. I hope it helps you out. Have a wonderful day everyone!

About the Author:

Barbara Morgan is a freelance writer, IT enthusiast and a California native. She began reviewing hosting providers when managed hosting just appeared on the market. Barbara loves enlighten hosting related topics in all its forms. She regularly posts her articles at one of the managed hosting providers in the USA and NL website – Hostiserver.com.

All opinions and facts are that of a third-party writer, not an official Feenta.com author. It’s an article written by a guest author. If you’d like to submit an article, go to our Write for Us page.

This post was last modified on July 26, 2022 7:56 am

Categories: Technology
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