5 Benefits of Music Therapy for Canines

Music Therapy is well-known for its soothing and relaxing effects on human minds. Different kinds of music are effective in different ways.

Sounds have an influence on human health and moods, so in 2015 the curiosity aroused about whether music has an effect on pets too? Lisa Spector, a classical pianist, observed that the piano had a calming effect on her hyperactive dog. Various studies have been conducted to understand the effects of music on pets.

Music Therapy for dogs and cats has become so popular now that Nicholas Dodman, chief scientific officer at the Institute of Canine Behavior Studies and director of Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts University, mentions that if I forget to mention Through the Dog’s Ear while giving a lecture on music to dog behaviorists, one of them always mention it.

5 Positive Effects of Music Therapy on Dogs:

Let’s explore the beneficial effects dogs reap as a result of classical or dog-specific soothing music.

Reduced Heart Rate:

Music Therapy has shown to reduce the heart rate and breathing rate of hyperactive dogs. If your pooch has been running around or anxiously playing around the house, music will tone down his energies gradually.

Speedy Recovery:

Whether the pet has undergone a major surgery or a usual ailment that has grown his anxiety, he needs to relax for few days. Music therapy has helped pets to relax for long hours that ensure their speedy recovery. A study has shown that cats under anesthesia react to auditory-sensory stimuli; therefore, soft music has a slowing down effect on their respiratory rate and pupil dilation.

Reduced Hyperactivity:

Good music elevates the endorphin level in dog’s mind. Endorphins are responsible for happy moods. This change relaxes the dog and reduces his anxiety. Other than using retractable loose leashes, pheromone and massages, Dog trainers employ music therapy to calm and control the hyperactive and anxious dogs.

Curb Separation Anxiety:

If you play a specific music for yourself when at home, the pooch gets used to it too. So, when you have to leave the home for long hours, you can play the same music to keep him calm and relaxed. You can also leave a shirt having your smell for the pooch. Moreover, familiar music and smell can also be used in new places where the pooch is feeling uncomfortable and anxious at first.

Stronger Bond with Humans:

Music therapy also plays a vital role in strengthening the bond of pets and their owner. Dog trainers and behaviorists often take the help of music to calm down the dogs before training. Taking dogs to the vet or animal shelter can be a trouble sometimes. But, music has shown to help some pets to prepare themselves for what may be coming their way without getting anxious. They can associate music with specific places you have taken them.

Final Verdict:

Music therapy is a handy technique for pet owners to curb the anxiety and hyperactivity of their pets. It’s most effective for dogs and cats. All you need to do is figure out which music works best for your pooch.

About the author

Fiona Appleton is a Labrador owner. She is the manager of https://ultimatehomelife.com/ that has been developed to help people solve the troubles of pet ownership. She is an active advocate of animal protection campaigns. She wants people to understand that dog-behavior is reflective of our behavior.

This post was last modified on July 26, 2022 8:01 am

Categories: Animals
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