11 Dangerous Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

We all love our puppies. Sometimes, when we’re at the dinner table, our dogs may come up asking for food. And, of course, sometimes we do give them some of our food. I mean, who can resist those eyes?

What came to us as a surprise, is that A LOT of the food we are eating is poisonous for our dogs. The food we actually eat may kill our dogs. So, this post should be a ‘warning’ for everyone that has dogs. Please, be careful. Here’s the list of human foods that can kill your dogs:

Chocolate and caffeine

Some of you may already know this. All dog owners know they should not give chocolate to their puppies (and most other pets, for that matter), but we thought it would be best to get it out of the way. In case you didn’t already know – chocolate can cause severe agitation, vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythm, raised body temperature, seizures, and, of course, death. So, giving chocolate to your dogs is a BIG no-no. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which should NEVER be consumed by most animals, including dogs.

Macadamia Nuts

This is somewhat of a recent discovery. Macadamia nuts can be incredibly harmful when eaten by dogs. We still don’t know the specific chemicals that are found in macadamias, but they are toxic to dogs. When eaten by dogs, macadamia nuts will cause weakness and inability to walk, specifically in the dog’s hind legs. Vomiting, staggering gait, tremors, hypothermia and depression are some of the other things that macadamia nuts can do to dogs.

Yeast dough

In other words, bread. The raw yeast dough from making bread can ferment in a dog’s stomach, becoming toxic. Aside from the alcohol being produced in he stomach, yeast can also expand in your dog’s stomach or intestines and create a large amount of gas in the digestive system. This can lead to severe pain and a potentially ruptured stomach or intestinal tract. Vomiting, abdominal discomfort and lethargy can also occur.


You may think that one of the tastiest meats out there, bacon, is safe for dogs — but, no. It isn’t. Bacon is rich in fat, and it can lead to the pancreatitis disease in dogs. Once a dog develops pancreatitis, their pancreas become inflamed and stop functioning correctly.


Much like macadamia nuts, grapes and raisins can be extremely toxic to dogs. The specific chemicals found in grapes are still unknown, but the results of consumption are pretty scary. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Symptoms may not even show. It varies between dogs. Beside kidney failure, dogs can experience vomiting or diarrhea as well as a lethargic state. They can also develop dehydration and lack of appetite. Death from kidney failure may occur withing 3 or 4 days.

Milk (sometimes)

Yes. All dogs drink milk from their mothers when they are little puppies. But, what you may have not known is that dogs can suffer from lactose intolerance. In those cases, milk can be VERY dangerous to dogs. If a dog is lactose intolerant and drinks milk, it will lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. While it may not immediately kill your dogs, it may eventually lead to a disease or a life-threatening situation.


Avocado leaves, pits, bark and fruit contain a toxic called persin. Avocados can cause upset stomachs, breathing difficulties, fluid buildup in the chest…The most dangerous part of the avocado may be the pit. Since it’s very slippery, the pit can accidentally be swallowed by a dog, leading to obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Apple (and other fruits) cores

Most of us (humans) avoid eating the core of an apple, and most of us avoid giving it to our dogs. Just to be safe, you should know that you SHOULD NOT give apple cores to your dogs. People may not intentionally give apple cores to dogs, but they may leave them laying around somewhere, which, of course, the dog will pick them up as soon as he sees them. The core of an apple (as well as plums, peaches, pears and apricots) contain cyanogenic glycosides which is also know as cyadine. Some of the symptoms that come from ingesting the fruit cores are dizziness, struggling to breath, seizures, collapsing, hyperventilation, shock, and even coma.


Most of the stuff we eat at home contains cheese. Especially those sweet, tasty sandwiches that our dogs seem to love too. It is okay to give your dogs a little cheese once in a while, BUT BE CAREFUL and do it in moderation. Like milk, cheese also contains sugars and fat – which are not recommended for dogs. A lot of cheese may result in gas, diarrhea and vomiting. And, again, it may not cause death, but there are extreme situations. The safest way is not to give your dog cheese at all, or in very small amounts.


An onion ring wont hurt – but if eaten in excess – onions can damage red blood cells. If they do eat a lot of onions, a blood transfusion might be necessary.


The stronger the garlic – the more toxic it can be. Since garlic is part of the onion family, it’s more dangerous to dogs than onions per ounce.  The effects of eating garlic won’t appear for a few days in dogs, but they will be tired and reluctant to move. Their urine will be orange to dark red in color. Garlic can damage red blood cells to, so a blood transfusion might be needed in severe cases.


Note that not every dog is the same. All dogs are different. Depending on the species and size of your dog, some foods may or may not be safe. Always consult with a vet or do a quick Google search. The sure thing to do is keep them away from all the foods listed in this article and stick with safe dog food. You can even get some dog food from Amazon, without ever leaving your home.

This post was last modified on July 26, 2022 2:12 pm

Categories: Animals
Tags: DogDog Food
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